The tacos that you find on every Mexican street corner are often cooked really quickly - it's street food, you can't hang about. We have a recipe that will allow you to make really quick authentic tacos, that are so tasty, it will become your 'go to' meal.
If you are really pushed for time you can simply serve the tacos with some sliced spring onions, diced avocado, some of our brilliant salsa taqueria, a dollop of sour cream, some fresh coriander and a squeeze of lime juice. All that's required is for you to cook the pork, chop up the spring onions and avocado - everything else is ready to go.
If you have a little more time, I like to make a simple pickled red onion as a garnish. The clean, sharpness of the onion works brilliantly with the rest strong flavours. You may also want to have the zingy flavours of a green tomatillo salsa as well, this will require blitzing our green tomatillos with some white onion and fresh coriander. You can be as elaborate with this recipe as your time allows, but the basic recipe is still outrageously tasty.
I love the conviviality of sitting round a table with everyone constructing their version of the perfect taco.
Adobo Pork Tacos
Serves 3-4
500g Pork Belly, diced into 1cm cubes
1 tablespoon of Al Pastor Seasoning
16 x Corn Tortillas
2 x Avocados, diced
4 x Spring Onions, finely sliced
2 x Fresh Limes, cut into wedges
1 x Can Herdez Salsa Taqueria
Big bunch of Fresh Coriander, chopped
Pot of Sour Cream (omit for a dairy-free diet)
Tacos are most definitely best eaten warm, you can cook the tacos and keep them warm in our lovely woven basket taco warmers.
If you have more time, try adding in these extras to your table.
Green Tomatillo Salsa
1 x Can Green Tomatillos
½ White Onion, finely diced
1tbsp El Yucateco Jalapeno Salsa
1 x Clove of Garlic, crushed
Juice of Half a Lime
A generous spring of Fresh Corinader, chopped
1. Remove the whole tomatillos from the can (discarding the liquid that they're in).
2. You can either blitz these up in a food processor, or, to save on washing up, chop them up with a knife until they are a smooth, quite runny consistency.
3. Now add in the finely chopped onion, garlic clove, a good handful of fresh coriander (chopped), a squeeze of half a lime and about a tablespoon of the jalapeno salsa - more if you like it hot!
Recipe for Pickled Red Onions
2 x Red Onions, finely diced
1 x Clove of Garlic, finely diced
½tsp Ground Cinnamon
1 x Fresh Bay Leave
2 x Cloves, crushed
½tsp Black Peppercorns, crushed
3tbsps Olive Oil
75ml Cider Vinegar
Sea Salt to taste
1. In a pan, heat the olive oil and add the garlic, peppercorns, cloves, cinnamon and bay leaves. Cook over a low heat for 3 or 4 minutes.
2. Add the red onion and cook for a further 3 or 4 minutes - you just want the red onions to warm through (not fry).
3. Add the vinegar and salt and allow to cool
Enjoy! And foodies don't forget to tell us if you cook this at home. Tag is in your social feed or leave a review. Ben
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