The tacos that you find on every Mexican street corner are often cooked really quickly - it's street food, you can't hang about. We have a recipe that will allow you to make really quick authentic tacos, that are so tasty, it will become your 'go to' meal.
This is a great warm bao bun sandwich recipe - incorporating layers of flavour and texture so each mouthful is a sensory explosion. This recipe cranks up the umami dial with sweet, sticky umami pork, contrasting with sharp pickles, crunchy veg textures, creamy mayo and fragrant herbs.
Tired of supermarket 'Frisbee style' pizzas? It’s true that in the last few years, the standard of shop-bought pizza has improved, let's face it, we've all eaten some really truly terrible ones in our lifetime...
This simple vegan recipe packs so much flavour - you'll never want to cook aubergines any other way. This is a classic Japanese dish known as Nasu Dengaku and it's incredibly easy to make. Serve this with some sticky Japanese rice, spring onions, a few pickles and a sprinkling of Japanese seven spice...
I absolutely adore this salad, it's vibrant, fresh and combines all the bold flavours of Thai cuisine. The tasty seared beef elevates this dish to a main course balanced by light noodles, crunchy vegetables, fragrant herbs and umami rich dressing.
Not everyone knows that Spain has a huge cider-drinking culture, but in the Northern region of Asturias there are plenty of apple orchards and sidra is a really popular drink. In the bars of Asturias, the waiters pour cider with a flourish - holding the cider bottle with one hand, a couple of feet above their heads, and pouring it into special glasses that are held below their waists with the other hand. This takes a fair bit of practice and unless you're happy to mop the floor up afterwards, not recommended to try at home!
The whole idea of this udon noodle soup recipe is simplicity - thick noodles in an umami rich broth that's comforting, delicious and surprisingly filling. In fact the eggs and mange tout that I've used here are optional extras. In it's simplest form, this dish can come together in the time it takes to boil a kettle. It's made super easy by using the wonderful Hamadaya ingredients. They are made in the Southern area of Japan, close the Islands largest volcano called Mount Aso.
Baba Ganoush is a wonderful smoky aubergine dip from the Middle East - it blows the socks off houmous. I love it with grilled pitta breads but often struggle to find the time to make it, that is until I discovered this new aubergine puree.
Dumplings are just one of life's little joys. Juicy, succulent and full of flavour. If you don't have time to make you're own, these ready-made dumpling are totally delicious and perfect for a quick meal. Simply cook them straight from frozen for 6-7 minutes, toss them in a tasty sauce and enjoy.
This dish is a classic simple lunch or light supper and so easy with just four great quality ingredients, it's done in 10 minutes (the time it takes to cook the pasta) and tastes fantastic.
Gyozas are little, half moon shaped dumplings made out of a hot water, wheat flour pastry and stuffed with pork, chicken and vegetables. They are generally steamed before being crisped up in a pan and served with a dipping sauce. We think of Gyozas as being Japanese, in fact they actually originated in China but were adopted by the Japanese as they are soooooo good.
If you've ever thought vegetarian food is slightly dull, hold on to your hats... this simple one-pot dish based on the humble chickpea absolutely packs in the flavour. The soft creamy chickpeas are cooked in a richly flavoured tomato sauce with a good splash of Fino sherry, dried chilli and smoked paprika. The dish is finished with roasted peppers, creamy aioli made with olive oil, a scattering of fresh parsley and a chunk of grilled sourdough.
We sell the best corn tortillas that make amazing Mexican tacos, but what do you do with any that are left over? In Mexico, they make tortilla soup. Tortilla soup in Mexico is as common and well-loved as French onion soup is in France. With a base of pasilla chillies and a touch of smoky chipotle, it's warming, comforting and certainly lifts the spirits on a cold day.
Eating freshly barbecued sardines, fresh from the sea is one of life's absolute joys. If you can't get to the Mediterranean or it's too cold to light your BBQ at home, here's the next best thing. These smoked sardines are fantastic quality and I can't think of a better way to enjoy them than on a slice of Village Baking Co sourdough with a few sweet cherry tomatoes, thinly sliced red onion and a squeeze lemon.
I guess broccoli isn't the first ingredient that springs to mind when considering 'things to go on my toast' but a friend of mine raved about this recipe, it's from the brilliant Thomasina Miers - a chef, writer and TV presenter who won MasterChef in 2005.
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